0492 972 723

Hastings Farm Gate Hosts 2024

Below are some of our hosts who are opening their gates on the June long weekend Sat 8 - Mon 10 June, 2024

Home Grown Organics
We believe that locally grown food is a key part of a healthy and sustainable community. Our passion & purpose is helping to educate and assist others towards eating and living a healthy lifestyle while ourselves thriving on the agrarian lifestyle of hard work, healthy eating, and purposeful living.

Sohip Organics

At the end of 2019, we packed our bags, left our careers and moved across the border to embark on our farming journey.
We are working toward being 100% sustainable and growing food that in a way that reduces more carbon than it creates and regenerates the landscape.

Grazed and Grown Farm

Our Farm is situated on the beautiful Comboyne Plateau on the Mid North Coast of NSW. Our passion is in farming the most nutrient dense food possible without the use of chemicals, herbicides or pesticides. To do this we nurture the land itself through regenerative practices.

North Shore Koala Habitat Restoration Site

Want to learn to learn about options

to restore and protect koala habitat on your own property or

interested in purchasing a property for conservation. In addition,

you will experience a cultural site walk through native bushland

with a local Birpai guide and you’ll learn how to identify Guula

(koalas) in the wild.


Our aim is to farm with a deep respect to animals. The pasture raised hens, pigs and cattle live on the freshest pasture, in their natural environments, foraging, digging, scratching and grazing all day every day, full of sunshine and vitamin D.


Barbushco is a family owned business dedicated wholly to preserving the art of traditional Australian bush foods.

Barbushco cultivates a diverse range of organically grown indigenous foods, bush tucker, fruits, herbs and spices.

Doraville Organics

Organically grown a our certified Organic farm rears pastured

beef on lush grass and

delicious oranges.

The Maria River Koala Tree Plantation

The Maria River Koala Tree Plantation is one of two host sites featuring koala conservation in this year’s Hastings Farm Gate Tour.

Maria River plantation has 11,000 koala food trees, while the rest of the 102-hectare property has coastal native habitat partly protected in perpetuity by a Biodiversity Conservation Agreement. It sits next to Maria National Park

The Davis Farm
The Davis Farm is a not-for-profit that supports our local community. Focused on mental health we offer a community space to learn, connect, belong and grow.

Permaculture Hand Urban Farm
Learn how to transform your grass into a patch where you can grow food to feed your family. This typical domestic sized, hilly Port Macquarie block features over 100 fruit varieties, veggie patches, chickens, worm farming, native bees, ponds, espalier fruittrees, a bush tucker garden and a bonsai displa. All designed using permaculture principles. This property is great for those who are dealing with gardening on a slope, and those looking for inspiration to grow food in urban landscapes.

The Fruit Tree Fella

Premium quality, locally sourced fruit and nut trees

Port Macquarie Landcare - Wrights Creek Restoration

Wrights Creek supports a corridor of native vegetation linking

Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park, Macquarie Nature Reserve,

and Sea Acres Nature Reserve in of Port Macquarie. Landcare volunteers will guide visitors through the 2 year old tree plantings showing the different native plants that been

established to restore Wrights Creek and support local wildlife.

Hastings Riverlands Milk

We are pleased to announce that after over five years of building our micro-dairy at our farm at Huntingdon, the business will be finally up and running at the start of 2023. We will be selling milk to shops and direct to customers and in the near future he also hopes to produce yoghurt and possibly cheese.

The Lost Plot Community Garden

Check out our thriving community garden, see how we garden organically and sustainably. We make our own compost using bays made by our members, and we have worm-farming, a thriving food forest, and peaceful places to sit and relax.

Explore our beautiful space and discover plants familiar and new.

Kai's Place Urban Food Forest

At Kai’s Place visitors will have the opportunity to see the potential for food production on a regular suburban block.

Visitors will learn about simple permaculture practices especially focused on soil building, water harvesting and storage and elements of a semi-closed food production system.

Chicken Caravan

Port Macquarie Farm is the headquarters of Chicken Caravan. We manufacture mobile chicken coops. Visitors will be able to get up close to our livestock and see a variety of chicken caravans in action. On our family-friendly guided tour, you will see sheep, chickens and rabbits and learn about growing your own food.

Lake Cathie Community Hub

& Garden

Experience a small scale community garden run by volunteers in association with the

Hastings Neighbourhood Service. We have a thriving compost and worm farm, bush tucker garden and raised fruit and veg gardens.

Lomandra Pernaculture

Be inspired to take up permaculture in your own backyard!

Visitors will learn about creating productive gardens and fruit orchards,

along with other sustainability features.

Pete's Veg Patch

Be inspired to disconnect from the grid. Well almost. Learn about solar and batteries, worm farming and even turning your sewer into a worm farm. Explore this semi-rural private property and see small scale sustainability in action. You might even see some bees making honey in Pete's flow hive.

Our sponsorship partners include

Hastings Farm Gate is an Earth Logic Incorporated project. Earth Logic is a not-for-profit that delivers projects that connect and educate communities to collaboratively regrow, renew or restore the environment.  

0492 972 723

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