Hastings Farm Gate
The Hastings Farm Gate Tour is a celebration of quality locally grown produce. The tour allows locals and visitors alike to tailor a self-drive tour of host properties across the greater Hastings, Port Macquarie & Camden Haven region. A diverse array of properties open their gates over the June long weekend showcasing regenerative farming techniques and products.
Our Farm Gate Hosts
There were over 19 host locations in 2024 , our 2025 hosts are TBC.
organic dairy | permaculture
pasture raised pigs |
cattle breeding | urban farming | eggs
community gardens | veggies
& more...
Become a Farm Gate Host
Our hosts include the community garden and other community organisations as well as local producers from around the region. We have piggeries, free-rang chicken farms and loads of incredible producers of fruits and vegetables too! If you are a local producer and would like to learn more about becoming a host for the next Hastings Farm Gate Tour, we would love to hear from you!
Some of our farm hosts rely on volunteers so they can open their gates for the tour. If you would like to to assist you can volunteer for one day and time or as many as you can help with. A usual volunteer time slot would be approximately 2-3 hours in duration. You will need your own transportation to the farm location and once the tour is underway, and if the host doesn’t require your assistance for any activity during the tour, you can join in with the tour.
Volunteering responsibilities include:
Assist with movement of participants around the host location
Help direct participants to parking, amenities, produce for sale
Checking tickets
Hastings Farm Gate is an Earth Logic Incorporated project. Earth Logic is a not-for-profit that delivers projects that connect and educate communities to collaboratively regrow, renew or restore the environment.
0492 972 723
Copyright © 2025 Earth Logic Incorporated | Website by WEBHEAD